International Baccalaureate Theatre
Standard / Higher Levels

Course Director: Ms. Kerri Peters
Class Period: 5th
The 2018 - 2019 school year was the first year DHS's International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and Denton High School's Theatre Department offered an IB Theatre Course.
2024-2025 Assessment Deadlines
IA Production Proposal: Aug. 26th
Early Component EA - Research Presentation: Oct. 7th
EA Collab Performance: Jan. 17th
Portfolio and Video Due: Jan. 30th
EA (HL Only) Solo Performance: Feb 6/7th
Solo Paper: Feb 21st
SL and HL Yr 2 Summer 2024 Assignments
Read 3 plays
Complete a “Weekly Play Report” on each of the 3 plays
Choose a play to use as your Director's Notebook project
Complete your DN in rough draft form
Be prepared to present rough DN to the class Week 2 of school
Year 2 IB Focus
In this course, students will focus on how to use theatre theories to create tension, emotion, action, and meaning in performance. They will use technology and dramaturgy to produce theatre with purpose as they create their formal assessments in directing, theory, devising, and world theatre.
Students will also continue to prep for college programs and auditions outside of high school theatre.